Our Values

At Admiral Media we believe that our core business values should be shared with our customers.

About us - Admiral at a Glance

At Admiral we believe that our core business values should be shared with our customers.
We strive to perform and enjoy our work as a team and pass this enthusiasm on to you.


Developer focus on people through active listening and empathy


Engagement and devotion with your goals.


Be first, own the process. Share criteria and Inspire others.


Enablement and team spirit to solve issues and propose solutions.


Enjoy work, but remember to find time for friends and family.

Sail, with values!


Listening enables us to develop ourselves and our team because
A person that is listening will be able to have better conclusions and therefore make better decisions
Working with the Admiral is a partnership: if we listen well we will not only hear but understand your challenges


Listening enables us to develop ourselves and our team because
A person that is listening will be able to have better conclusions and therefore make better decisions
Working with the Admiral is a partnership: if we listen well we will not only hear but understand your challenges

Be passionate

We often hire people challenging their technical skillset, but what is far more important is passion
If you are passionate about your work and daily challenges you can develop any technical skill
A colleague who is passionate about his or her job will deliver greatest results
If you are passionate about your work you will share your motivation and knowledge with your colleagues and clients


If you are passionate about your job you will drive things home
We love people how love to be the first in new developments, new technology: early adopters are often the innovators
If you love driving things home you love owning a process end to end: you care about the result!
We encourage people to fail and stand up: we do not micromanage, we want our team to deliver and learn from failures


Collaboration drives team spirit, between ourselves as colleagues but also with our clients
We encourage our team to share knowledge and enable others: enablement drives innovation because people who understood a problem or new development will continue asking more questions!
If we collaborate we will listen better, will develop more passion for our own work, and will drive things home

Have Fun

We will enjoy our work if we follow the values above
If you enjoy your work you will deliver the best results
A joyful day at work will increase joy at home
We encourage our team to take time off, and enjoy time with friends and family

As you can see – all of our company values play an individual role but are tied together as well. We strive to perform and enjoy our work as a team and pass this enthusiasm on to you. At Admiral Media, we believe that our core business values should be shared with our customers.