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As a leading performance marketing agency in a fast-growing industry, we are proud of the results we achieve day to day for our clients.

With our eBooks, we would like to share what we’ve learned and help more great products succeed in digital marketing – whether they’ve just started or already growing rapidly. If you want to learn more, download our eBooks below and sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest information.

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Mastering iOS Scaling

Unlock the secrets to iOS growth with our expert-led eBook! Dive into 50+ pages of invaluable insights from industry leaders to master scaling on iOS.

Learn from the best in the industry and transform your iOS marketing efforts. Accelerate user growth and achieve outstanding ROAS with actionable tips and strategies.

The Ultimate ASA Handbook

Whether you’re new to the channel or a seasoned pro – gain a competitive advantage and stay ahead of the game with insider knowledge and expert insights.

Growth Loop EBook

The Growth Loop

Get insights from the greatest marketing minds in the mobile app and performance marketing world. This 20+ page eBook contains everything you need to be successful on paid marketing channels and make the most out of your budget.

Download the Admiral Media Growth Loop eBook today to learn how you can accelerate your user growth and achieve an outstanding ROAS through performance marketing.

The TikTok Handbook for Advertisers

Looking to level up your TikTok game? Look no further than our TikTok Handbook! Packed with tips, tricks, and insider secrets, this handbook will help you skyrocket your following and create content that stands out from the crowd.

A colorful TikTok handbook with a bright pink cover and white text. The book is opened to reveal various tips and tricks for creating engaging and entertaining TikTok videos, with images of popular TikTok creators and examples of viral trends. The background features the TikTok logo and a vibrant pattern of hearts and stars

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