Tiktok Video Ad Specs and Best Practices
Read our complete guide to TikTok Advertising for Marketers. Learn how you can super grow your userbase, reach entirely new audiences and build your brand.
App Name or Brand Name
- For app names, we support 4-40 characters (latin) and 2-20 (asian characters)
- For brand names, we support 2-20 characters (latin) and 1-10 (asian characters). Emojis cannot appear in the app name or brand name.
- For descriptions, we support 12-100 characters (latin) and 6-50 (asian characters)
- Resolution: ≥720*1280px, ≥640 x 640px, or ≥1280 x 720px
- File type(recommended) : MP4, MOV, MPEG, 3gp, or GIF
- File type(recommended) : MP4, MOV, GIF
- Video file size: ≤500 MB
- Length: 5-60s allowed. We suggest short videos of 9-15s.
- Image ads are not recommended.
- Combine interests
- Create Lookalikes
- Exclude your customers
- Share creatives that connect with users, share tik toks
- Use copy that goes with your tik tok
- Optimise your account step by step
- Include in the Ad “Tik Tok” lookalike sentences with emojis – look more organic
- Always sound/ music on
- Prevent overlapping
- 15 sec max

- Don’t use normal videos or images
- Don’t compete with your own campaigns
- Don’t use data from features that haven’t spent enough money
- Don’t overlay your copy with your video text
- Prevent overlapping, consider up and down TikTok spaces
- Don’t use before & after comparison