Andre Kempe,


Admiral Media,

Mar 28, 2022

The top 6 things your marketing team may be missing

There are so many moving parts when it comes to marketing. Besides that, it’s difficult to keep track of each of them. As your brand evolves, your focus might be on what the next steps look like and how you can drive more sales from a new product. You might be thinking about a complete rebranding, or new ads to drive traffic to your site. Whatever the case, it’s important to focus on the fundamentals and remember to keep them strong as you grow. Here are the top 6 things your marketing team is missing, you might be surprised at how much of a difference they make.

The top 6 things your marketing team is missing

#1 Identify The Most Important KPIs

A great benefit of digital transformation is the ability to track virtually almost any metric or data point you need. It can also be a distraction though, and it’s a best practice to establish which KPIs are most important to your business. Pick at least 3 metrics that matter, and don’t analyze the performance of your marketing activities with more than 10 metrics. It’s important to focus on why these metrics make a difference in your business and how each plays a role in achieving your goals. The closer you can get to realizing the business impact, the better.  The KPIs you decide on should be your focus from now on. If it’s free trials you’d like to pick up, improve your paywall and work on improving your onboarding or maybe invest in landing page optimization. If you’re after qualified leads, create a content system that’s tailored toward attracting your ideal audience and building relationships with your prospects while improving email subscription through landing page revisions.

#2 Create a Reporting System to Track Performance

After you’ve picked your target KPIs. You’ll need to create a system to track performance. It’s likely that each KPI will have different metrics and making sense of the numbers is just one step in the process. You’ll need somewhere to see them too.  When in doubt, Excel, Google Sheets, or Google Data Studio are FREE and great tools to take the first steps to track performance. Whether you manually enter data or set up automation for it, your data is in one location, and it’s easy for your team to access it. Sheets are especially useful because you can share the data and information with anyone who has a G-Suite. This ensures the privacy and security of your business data. There are other pieces of software to help with tracking your KPIs like Metabase or Tableau, but the most important consideration is that your data is centralized and easy to access. Just because something looks nice, doesn’t mean it’ll work for you, and doesn’t mean there’s a benefit to paying extra for it.

#3 Use the Omnichannel Approach

The Omnichannel approach is a consumer-focused strategy that promotes a product or service on multiple channels, from social media to brick and mortar stores, websites, mobile apps, the TV you name it.  It provides companies with the ability to promote their products or services across different channels while still being able to – to some extent – track performance or revenue across all mediums. This means the business has a better understanding of where they get the most value and how to scale beyond a certain level of revenue.

#4 Create a Marketing Funnel

Your customers need to be able to find you, engage with your brand, and buy your product if it’s a great fit for them. Your marketing funnel helps set this process in motion. Funnels are designed to cast a wide net and start drilling down to close the deal. As you move down in the funnel, prospects start to fall off as your product starts making more sense for specific customers. Those are the ones you hope to close and earn a sale from. Marketing funnels take on a variety of forms and may be implemented in different ways but a common approach is to consider different stages where a user does engage with your business in a different way. This usually starts with brand awareness and moves to consideration then to action and finally to retention. For a lead generation business, this can start with driving traffic to a website or a landing page through SEO and paid ads, placing targeted landing pages in front of prospects, closing them on your contact list, getting your sales team to reach out to them and closing the deal. Following a pattern like this fosters predictable revenue and your KPIs go a long way in helping determine whether you’re on track to meet your sales goals or exceed them.

#5 Redefine User Personas

You might be casting a broad net with regard to your ideal audience and this could hurt your ability to close deals. While you’re likely to attract attention, your conversion rates won’t improve much. Instead of focusing on reach, drill down to your ideal user persona and redefine what they look for and what they need your product for.  One of the best ways to redefine your user personas is to consider previous interactions with them and how they’ve engaged with your brand. By drilling deeper into what delights your customers you’re able to gain insight into their motivations and tailor your marketing efforts toward engaging with them where it matters most.

#6 Site Content Refresh

It’s not uncommon to focus on marketing channels that feel like they produce faster results. Such as paid ads or social media, but organic traffic is still a huge component of marketing success. Site content often takes a back seat as teams scale, but a renewed focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and updating content will help keep your site fresh and boost ranking in the Search Engine Results Pages. As much as active campaigns help with new customer acquisition, content helps drive sustained traffic to your website.  It’s also important to keep your content fresh, exciting, and engaging. Think of your ideal customers and what appeals to them. Seek to engage them and build a relationship with them! As their trusted source of information on your topic of choice. With these tips, you’ll improve your marketing process and could save money in the process. While many systems call for casting wide nets and budgeting for substantial Ad Spending. It can be more effective to focus on the metrics and make incremental improvements across your entire process. 2% here, 3% there, and before you know it, you’re converting better and improving your customer experience. What would you do with more sales and happier customers? And while you’re at it, also check out The Top 3 Marketing Basics You Have Forgotten About

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