Interview Highlights

On the differences between app marketing and traditional marketing…

“I think the fundamental principles of marketing remain the same no matter what you’re doing, or which product is if it’s B2B solution software as a service or an app for consumers, right. So you will always need to follow the basic things to get first attention, interest, desire and so on.”

On how they evaluate client opportunities at Admiral Media…

“I have had some conversations in my career, where people with cash came and said, ‘Hey, look, I made my money somewhere else. Here’s here’s my app. Can you promote this?’ I looked at the app and it was just terrible. So cash doesn’t solve that problem, right. This is probably the starting point. The first thing I always do, I will have a look at the product itself. Will we be able to promote that. Does it fit within our expertise? It’s complex, right? So and do I believe any user would ever convert on that?”

On what app makers should do before engaging an agency…

“iPhones tell you now nowadays how many hours you spend a day on certain social networks if you just invested a fraction of the time and playing around with building a website and integrating AdSense, setting up a $10 google ads campaign, whatever. This is so much better invested time than doomscrolling right?”

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