Andre Kempe,


Admiral Media,

Feb 9, 2023

How does the TikTok algorithm work in 2023?

TikTok is an app that focuses on short videos with music in the background. Compared to other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. TikTok is a recent addition to the scene, with the app being launched in 2016. Even with its young age, the growth of TikTok has been nothing short of phenomenal. As of September 2022, TikTok has amassed 1.4 billion users and is one of the most downloaded apps all around the world. TikTok is also mostly targeted toward the younger audience, but contrary to popular belief, TikTok users are not just teenagers but come in all ages. Many people have turned TikTok into a money-earning tool by uploading videos covering a range of content like comedy, beauty, fitness, sports, products, etc. Check out our free Tik Tok Handbook to learn more about TikTok audience stats, special features, and performance benchmarks.

About TikTok marketing

With the ever-increasing popularity of the app, TikTok has also become a valuable platform for marketing business products. Many companies use TikTok to engage and target their audiences through a variety of short video content. Influencer marketing has become a big part of TikTok marketing. Affiliate or influencer marketing involves affiliating yourself with well-known influencers or a social network to promote your products. In turn, the affiliates receive a commission for every click or sale made. Affiliate marketing can be highly advantageous as the influencers have an already in-built audience and can use their reach to build brand awareness. This can then translate into new leads or customers. Whether you are using TikTok for making content, earning money, or marketing, you need to understand how the TikTok algorithm works to become successful. The good news is that getting the hang of the TikTok algorithm is much easier compared to other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. This article will explore the working of the TikTok algorithm and how you can use it to achieve your TikTok goals.  

What is the TikTok algorithm?

TikTok itself defines the TikTok algorithm as “When you open TikTok and land in your For You feed, you’re presented with a stream of videos curated to your interests, making it easy to find content and creators you love. This feed is powered by a recommendation system that delivers content to each user that is likely to be of interest to that particular user. Part of the magic of TikTok is that there’s no one For You feed – while different people may come upon some of the same standout videos, each person’s feed is unique and tailored to that specific individual”.

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

The TikTok algorithm works by recommending content to the user based on their past behavior. This includes the type of content they watch on the platform. Factors like the kind of videos you watch, the types of channels you follow, and the videos liked and shared by you impact the kind of content that would be recommended to you. If you mostly watch content related to fitness, then most of your feed will be filled with fitness content. Other factors that affect the TikTok algorithm include:

  • Device and account settings: According to TikTok, this includes stuff “like your language preference, country setting, and device type. These factors are included to make sure the system is optimized for performance, but they receive lower weight in the recommendation system relative to other data points we measure since users don’t actively express these as preferences.”
  • User interactions: According to TikTok, this includes “the videos you like or share, accounts you follow, comments you post, and content you create”. Additional factors include creators you have hidden, videos marked as not interested, videos added to favorites, video completion rate, etc.
  • Video information: According to TikTok, this “might include details like captions, sounds, and hashtags”. In addition to these, trending topics and effects are also included.

Tips to beat the TikTok algorithm in 2023

Here are some of the tactics you can use to beat the TikTok algorithm and grow your channel in 2023:

Use a TikTok Pro account

Creating or switching to a TikTok Pro account gives you multiple advantages over other TikTok users. You can use a TikTok Pro account to run marketing campaigns and advertise your products and services. You can add links to your other social media accounts or website to generate traffic. It also gives you access to metrics and insights which can be used to evaluate the performance of your videos. In this way, you can see what’s working and what’s not, and introduce any necessary changes. It also provides you with extra tools to create better videos. You can create your TikTok Pro account by following the steps below:

  • Download the TikTok app from your app store.
  • Launch the app and follow the instructions to create your account.
  • Click on Profile and then go to Settings.
  • Click on Privacy and then on Manage account.
  • Here you can tap on the switch to business account tab to turn your account into a business account.

Utilize trending music

One of the best ways you can make your channel grow is by cashing on an ongoing trend. Research statistics show that majority of the people prefer watching videos that use sounds or music which is trending or popular. Therefore, it is advised that you use trending music to make your videos more attractive. In case you don’t know which songs are trending right now, TikTok offers you a solution to that problem as well. You can find out which songs are trending by:

  • Open your app and navigate to the TikTok home screen.
  • Press the + icon and then look for Sounds on the Record Video page.
  • This will pop up a list of songs that are currently trending.
  • You can also use the Follower tab in TikTok Analytics to see which songs are more popular which your target audience.

Use trending hashtags

Another way to give your content an algorithm boost is by using trending hashtags on your channel. Utilizing the right hashtags can go a long way in driving traffic to your channel. You can search the popular or trending hashtags by searching them on TikTok. You can also make use of a hashtag generator to serve the same purpose. Once you find your relevant hashtags, you can then use them in your videos and descriptions. To easily find popular hashtags, navigate to the Discover tab and click on Trends. Hashtags associated with TikTok challenges can be mighty useful in beating the algorithm, so make sure to keep an eye out for any trending challenges.

Collaboration with other users

Collaborating with other TikTokers can be an excellent way to gain more exposure and reach new audiences. One of the best ways to do so is by collaborating with popular TikTokers that lie in the same category as you. Since both of you create content for similar audiences, you can use that exposure as a boost to gain more followers. The process usually involves making a video with your affiliate and then posting it on his/her TikTok channel. The TikTok algorithm takes care of the rest. You can start collaborating by seeking out other TikTokers that make content similar to yours and have a similar number of followers.

Post regularly/Be active

One of the key aspects of a good TikTok channel is audience engagement. The best way to understand your audience is to involve them in your content creation process. Companies often use social media platforms to hold surveys and polls. On TikTok, you can also engage with your audience by replying to their comments on your videos, through email inquiries, asking for feedback, etc. Actively involving your audience during prime time (the time when your audience is actively seeking content to consume) is a surefire way to exploit the TikTok algorithm. Also, make sure to post regularly. Consistency is key. Be consistent with your uploads. Make a schedule and stick to it.

TikTok challenges

One of the most popular trends on TikTok is the creation of TikTok challenges. Not a day goes by when a new TikTok challenge is trending on TikTok. While making video content for your channel is good, TikTok challenges can provide a nice variety to your overall content catalog. These challenges are also a good way to show off your creativity. A perfectly constructed TikTok challenge can grant you instant fame and a huge boost to your channel. Overall, they are a great way to tackle your TikTok algorithm problem.

Create shorter and more creative videos

Video content is usually considered to be better than all other content types for several reasons. Statistics have also shown that people are more attracted to video content than anything else. When creating video content, it is necessary to consider a few things. First, make sure that the length of the video isn’t that long. Most people have short attention spans and are not going to watch videos that are too long. The first five seconds of your video are important, as they will decide whether the viewer will stick around to finish it. Try to keep your videos short and to the point. Be creative and add things that instantly capture a user’s attention.


Overall, there is no surefire way to beat the TikTok algorithm. TikTok is an ever-evolving platform where trends and challenges can change from day to day. By keeping on top of the latest trends and adopting a mixture of the aforementioned strategies, one can slowly but surely beat the TikTok algorithm.

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