Andre Kempe,


Admiral Media,

Feb 16, 2023

How to Promote an Android App on Google Play Store?

In this era of the digital world, there are over 2.7 billion Active Android Users. There are about 2.7 million apps in the Google Play Store and there are almost 250 million app downloads per day. If you want to know how to get to the top of the table in this huge competition, then you are at the right place. For an app to perform at its full potential and generate profit, the app developers must obey these steps to promote their app and get the maximum results. There are three main stages of app creation and development, during which promotion plays the most crucial role:

  1. Planning for an impactful app
  2. App creation and development
  3. Direct App Promotion

1. Planning for an impactful app

An app that fits best with the customer’s needs and solves their problems to reap the best results. Therefore, thorough research must be conducted for planning and designing the best android app.

Analyzing the Target Audience and Market

In the first step, determine the target audience for whom you are building the app and analyze their needs and problems so you can build an app that best fits the customer’s needs. Secondly, examine the apps similar to your app already present in the market. Evaluate them from the user’s point of view and determine their drawbacks and shortcomings and fix these bugs in your app. Give user reviews prime importance in your analysis. This will help you to decide your Unique Selling Point (USP) and will be the key point of your app promotion.

Reach Out the Previous Customers

Enlist your previous customers that have ever downloaded or reviewed any of your apps. Contact them via email and ask them for a little time. As the customers rarely respond to such promotional emails, offer them some discount or any other incentive to grab their interest and gain their attention. Here, you can send them a questionnaire to know the expectations of the customers. By including the customers in the app creation process, you will come to know the customer’s concerns and interests. Using this approach you can not only create a customer-friendly app but also a wonderful way of app promotion.

2. App Creation and Development

After a complete analysis by putting yourself in the customer’s shoes, the next step is the development of a productive and catchy app. It involves the following steps:

Keyword research

Proper keyword research is the first and foremost step in the promotion of an app. You must know which words are being used most frequently by the customers for search purposes. So, engrave the right keywords in the Title of your app. The title must not exceed 30 words. So, a shorter title with the right keywords increases the chances of appearing in search results. The greater the number of impressions, the greater the chances to get more downloads and installs.

Appealing App Description

After having a topic, the next step is to write an appealing app description. It must include all the relevant keywords, clearly explains all the functions of the app, and Flip the Features to the benefit of the customers. It must be simple and easy to understand so that people of every age can easily understand the functions of the app and get the knowledge of How to use the app. As the world is so fast nowadays, people don’t have enough time to stay and explore. So keep it simple, easy and attractive, it will greatly increase the conversion rate.

App icon

The app icon is the next most important thing in bringing more visitors to your app. App icons can be simple or fancy. It can either represent the Brand name or any specific feature of the app. But whatever it is, it must be creative, memorable, and captivating which will leave a mark on the memory of the customers. It should be interesting, so you can easily seek the attention of the visitors and can convert them into customers.

 Worthy ScreenShots

According to a saying, “One picture speaks a thousand words.” Hence, pictorial representation is always better than words. Use worthy screenshots for your app as it is the point where customers decide whether they will install an app or not. Here, you can beat your competition by displaying high-quality screenshots.  ❖ The screenshots must display the Unique Selling point of your app and why your app is superior to your competitors. ❖ It must provide a complete guideline about how to install and use the android app. ❖ Your screenshots should be an indicator of what difference the app will make in the life of the customers.

Make a Landing Page

A landing page is specific for the app promotion. It must contain the App name, Icon, Screenshots, and a video representing the basic features of the app. It increases the chances of getting clicks and installs.

Beta Testing of the App

After developing a quality app according to the user’s need, devise beta testing of the app to improve the user experience. What does Beta Testing actually refer to? Well, it can also be referred to as a pre-launching or testing phase. It helps you to recognize whether your app is running smoothly or it contains bugs and also, if it meets the requirements of your targeted audience or not. In this way, you can improve user experience and provide your audience with a user-friendly interface, which will ultimately increase the ratio of repeated and referred users.

Android Store Optimization (ASO)

One of the modern practices to appear at the top of the search engine is ASO. It is similar to the SEO of the website but is specific to Android apps. It involves including keywords with the maximum traffic, an appealing description, and the use of high-quality images. When the app will appear at a higher rank in the search result, it will increase the visibility and organic traffic, which in turn will increase the no. of downloads. ASO is not the last step but starts from the very beginning of the app development.

Devise a Customer Review Channel

Customers are the ones that can make you or break you. So, excellent customer service is the key to growing your business. For that purpose, you must devise an effective customer review channel where they can share their reviews and ratings. You must regularly monitor the reviews and address the pain points of your audience and work on them. In this way, you can unlock a huge number of repeated and referred audiences.

3. App promotion using Social Media Platforms

Social Media is one of the most powerful tools of the day. But for this, you must have a valuable social media presence. By using social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok it has become very easy to promote content. Join related Facebook Pages and promote the app. You can also target your audience on Facebook by using Facebook ads. It can help you to reach plenty of users in a single day. Hashtags on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are also a source of quick promotion. Build a community related to your interest on Social Media platforms and post regularly. Review the problems of Users and share tips and tricks. Build your trust and get engaged with potential customers.

  • Email marketing is a proven method for promoting your Android app on the Google Play Store. It can drive organic traffic which will help you to ace the app store search results.
  • Promotion Through Blog/Website: If you have a ranked website or a blog related to your work, you can get a prompt promotion by simply sharing the app link on your site. If you don’t have a website, you must build your portfolio and develop the site for promotion purposes. Attend seminars and webinars related to your niche, and there you can also promote your app by networking with your target customers.

4. Paid Promotions

❖ The quickest method of paid promotion is getting a Shoutout from a celebrity or an influencer, but don’t forget to analyze the community of that influencer if it matches your target audience or not. If it does, then go for paid promotion. ❖ Another method of paid promotion is using sponsored posts or ads to reach your desired customers. ❖ You may also use referral campaigns to promote your android apps. ❖ Nowadays, a number of websites with huge audiences are also available for paid promotion. ❖ You can also get paid guest posts for promoting your app. ❖ You can also get cross-promotions from other developers having an app similar to yours.


Android app promotion begins with a quality app and then engaging the customers with ASO.

  • Finding the keywords that are used the most no. of times for app search.
  • Developing an app that meets the customer’s demands and expectations, keeping in view the ASO practices.
  • Promoting the app using digital marketing and paid promotion means.
  • Always keep the Customer’s satisfaction as the first priority.


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