Best Practices & Guides

Click-Through vs. View-Through Attribution

Click-Through vs. View-Through Attribution: Which Is Best?

How do you attribute conversions in a world with so many channels? It’s a challenge that every marketer faces. If you can’t get an accurate picture of what’s driving conversions, it’s impossible to make the right calls when it comes to budget allocation. The two main attribution models are click-through and view-through attribution. 

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Best Facebook Ads Strategy for eCommerce

Best Facebook Ads Strategy for eCommerce

In short, there is no definitive strategy to help you become successful overnight. But a mixture of certain practices, experimenting with different ideas, and being consistent with your ad campaigns can help you gain customers in the long run…

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How to create your customer acquisition plan

How to create your customer acquisition plan

The goal of a customer acquisition strategy is to generate leads and convert them into full-time customers. By understanding your audience, their demands, and the channels where they are most likely to encounter your products, positive results can be achieved…

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How to Measure Apple CPP?

How to Measure Apple CPP?

Apple’s iOS 15 provided some new tools for marketers. Custom Product Pages (CPP) let you create multiple versions of your App Store product page for your ad campaigns. That means you can make your app store landing pages more relevant to your audience, which is key to conversions and app installs.

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Marketing Mix Modeling by Admiral Media

Marketing Or Media Mix Modeling (MMM) For Dummies

How do you know which marketing activities are driving sales? Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) can answer that question. It looks at how marketing efforts influenced business results in the past, so you can make better decisions when spending marketing budgets in the future. 

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How to optimize Apple Search Ads - a quick guide

How to optimize Apple Search Ads – a quick guide

Apple Search Ads is one of the most complicated ad channels, and it requires a lot of work. We do that efficiently using automation scripts that help decrease the duplications you might have in your ad account. We also structure your account in the best way possible to get you the lowest cost per install on the dollar.

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