Mobile Attribution after iOS14

To MMP or not to MMP? Mobile Attribution after iOS14

A mobile measurement partner or MMP is a tool that helps app businesses measure the performance of their advertising campaigns from every angle. In short, it attributes a newly acquired user to an ad channel, campaign, and beyond. Let’s compare how MMPs work before and after iOS 14 changes, as this is important to understand the effects of iOS 14 on MMPs.

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LTV still relevant in the post-iOS 14 world

Is LTV still relevant in the post-iOS 14 world?

For many years, LTV has quietly yet consistently sat on the throne of the metrics used by advertisers all over the ecosystem to decide on how effective their advertising is and how to allocate budgets properly to maximize returns and keep…

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Apple's iOS 15 Custom Product Pages Guide

Apple’s iOS 15 Custom Product Pages Guide

Apple recently announced several significant updates related to the App Store during WWDC21. There were some significant tweaks for App Store Optimization, and the most important announcement was the launch of custom product pages.

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The Skadnetwork report

We ran experiments with Adjust tracking on Liftoff + Twitter and here are the results. PCM will offer support for measuring app-to-web conversions on iOS and iPadOS apps and will not be available in SKAdNetwork, which is…

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