When is it recommended to start mobile app marketing activities?

It is recommended to start your mobile app marketing activities before launching a product. This stage is meant for product visibility and brand awareness. How can you target users for discovering your mobile app? This is something every app developer needs to consider from the start. Before you start the awareness stage, you must have […]

Why is mobile app marketing important?

Brands are benefitting a lot in this digital world. Mobile app marketing is very essential for surging the growth of a brand on the app store charts. Mobile app marketing is important because: A strong brand image is built: Mobile app marketing provides advantageous marketing to scale and support a brand’s image on digital media. […]

What is a mobile app marketing plan?

A mobile app marketing plan is a complete strategy that includes extensive and thorough research to help you in understanding the needs and demands of your customers. A mobile app marketing plan is an essential component of a long-term success plan.  The main agenda of this strategy is to ensure that your app reaches the […]

Should I hire an app marketing company?

It is a better approach to hire an app marketing company to reach your target audience while taking care of your budget. It is better to hire an app marketing company at the early stages of an app to devise strategies together.  If you hire a good app marketing agency, you are more likely to […]

Is it better to advertise on Instagram or Snapchat?

  Frequently Asked Questions Is it better to advertise on Instagram or Snapchat? Below, we will be listing down some key factors to decide that is it better to advertise on Instagram or Snapchat. Audience: If we talk about audience, then Instagram wins this argument. It has more than 500 million daily active users. The […]

How much is it to advertise on Snapchat?

Frequently Asked Questions How much is it to advertise on Snapchat? The best thing about Snapchat advertisements is that you can set your budget on your own terms and target the audience you will target. The least amount to be spent is 5$ however when you are creating an ad, Snapchat asks you for the […]

How much for a day of advertising on Snapchat?

Frequently Asked Questions How much for a day of advertising on Snapchat? There is no specificity about how much budget you should set to run an ad for a single day on Snapchat. However, the least amount below which you cannot spend is set at $5 by Snapchat. You can exceed it according to your […]

How effective is Snapchat advertising?

Frequently Asked Questions How effective is Snapchat advertising? You find those customers on Snapchat that may not be available on Instagram or Facebook. Snapchat is a growing platform. Millions of users are currently on it and millions are joining it with the passage of time. But if you are thinking about advertising your business on […]

How do you advertise products on Snapchat?

Frequently Asked Questions How do you advertise products on Snapchat? Apart from advertising your brand through video content or pictures, you can advertise the products your brand offers on Snapchat. This can help you in generating sales and revenue. It can increase your ROI. When you advertise something on Snapchat, you add a swipe-up option […]

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