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The Dawn of Generative AI in Search

The Dawn of Generative AI in Search

Whether users will adopt this new Search experience depends on several factors, including its performance during testing, user feedback, and tech adoption trends. Google’s past innovations in Search have generally been well-received and widely adopted over time. 

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How to Measure Apple CPP?

How to Measure Apple CPP?

Apple’s iOS 15 provided some new tools for marketers. Custom Product Pages (CPP) let you create multiple versions of your App Store product page for your ad campaigns. That means you can make your app store landing pages more relevant to your audience, which is key to conversions and app installs.

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How to optimize Apple Search Ads - a quick guide

How to optimize Apple Search Ads – a quick guide

Apple Search Ads is one of the most complicated ad channels, and it requires a lot of work. We do that efficiently using automation scripts that help decrease the duplications you might have in your ad account. We also structure your account in the best way possible to get you the lowest cost per install on the dollar.

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Facebook vs Pinterest

Facebook vs Pinterest: why smaller is sometimes bigger

If you use Facebook Ads for your business, you must have noticed that recently it has become not so effective and getting expensive day after day, which got advertisers thinking about new ways to approach ad channels to achieve diversification and decrease costs while growing.

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Using Analytics to Drive Success for Your Mobile App

Using Analytics to Drive Success for Your Mobile App

If you simply launch an app but don’t measure the app’s performance, your chances of success will be minimal and will bring no results. However, if you want success to be definite then you must track your app’s performance, analyze the user experience and make the necessary improvements…

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Tools you need for app marketing

The top 3 tools you need for app marketing

It’s a tough market out there with so many apps in both the app store and the google play store which means that it’s difficult for your app to be discovered, let alone downloaded. The good news is, having an agency partner…

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Attribution Modeling vs Marketing Mix Modeling

Attribution Modeling vs Marketing Mix Modeling

Attribution Modeling vs Marketing Mix Modeling If you want to be successful at marketing, you may no longer need qualities like these. Once upon a time, “marketing” was seen as a mysterious black box where money was thrown in the hope that sales would go up. In modern marketing, especially digital marketing.

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Mobile Attribution after iOS14

To MMP or not to MMP? Mobile Attribution after iOS14

A mobile measurement partner or MMP is a tool that helps app businesses measure the performance of their advertising campaigns from every angle. In short, it attributes a newly acquired user to an ad channel, campaign, and beyond. Let’s compare how MMPs work before and after iOS 14 changes, as this is important to understand the effects of iOS 14 on MMPs.

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